Saturday, June 18, 2016

Columbia Valley

It was a beautiful morning this morning.  We set off south down the Columbia Valley for Radium Hot Springs.  It wasn't so much to go into the hot springs, as we've done that before, but it was only about an hour away, and we could see some of the valley as we went.  Like this.

The Columbia River follows a fairly straight path down, but there are lots of little side currents that run along with it, so there are marshes and wetlands all the way down.

One stop I had in mind was in Edgewater, almost at Radium.  I have a great-uncle buried there.  He was my grandmother's brother.  So we checked that out.  It's a small little cemetery in the town.

Then we went on to Radium Hot Springs.  I remember being there 28 years ago, and swimming with the girls.  I think David was too little to go in.  He would have only been 1 year old.

On the way out of Kootenay Nat'l Park is this rock cut.  Beautiful shot.

Then we saw this...well, we just had to try it.  We were hungry, after all.

We timed it right as it rained all the way back to Golden, where we picked up a few things, including gassing up before we set off tomorrow morning.

By the time we were back, it was after 3, and I needed to do some laundry.  So I did that, and we enjoyed a crockpot dinner, and a game of Cribbage before retiring for the night.  There's no TV here, so we just read, and plan our next few days.  We're teeing up time with Dave while we're in Alberta.  He's in Bragg Creek right now.

So tomorrow, we're done with B.C.  It's been great - almost 2 weeks in B.C.

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